Analyze results | Masslytics

Analyze results

Masslytics is able to detect visitors on your website, deriving from radio or tv advertisement campaigns. In this article we will explain how these visitors are attributed to your mass media campaigns.

How does our it work?

It all starts with installing the Masslytics tag on your website. Now your tag is installed, data collection begins!

1. The data collection

The software analyzes the way visitors enter your website. You will have many traffic sources already which have nothing to do with radio or tv. Masslytics will learn to filter this data and also knows which routes make sense from a mass media point of view, and which don't.

2. Benchmarking

Masslytics will calculate benchmarking visitor counts for non ad-influence time frames. This way, Masslytics will quickly learn what your baseline visitor behaviour is.

3. Comparing Ad Schedule time frames

When your ads are broadcasted, listeners or viewers might interact with your ad within a few minutes. Masslytics will closely look at your ad schedules and compare these with your benchmark visitor data.

4. Concluding on the ad results

The Masslytics software has a very precise, mathemetical approach to making conclusions. Only when significant uptick in visitor behaviour is noticed, it will attribute the impact in website visitors to your mass media ads. Therefore, the results displayed in the Masslytics dashboard are on the defensive side.

Use dashboarding to see your advertisement impact

In the Masslytics dashboard, you will be able to see hourly and daily visitors for date ranges you specify. This gives you complete control in how you want to receive the impact data. Use the data to calculate your ROI and complete your business case.

Retrospective data analysis is supported

As long as your tag is installed, Masslytics is able to calculate retrospective data as well. This makes it really easy to run an advertisement campaign, upload the final ad schedule in Masslytics and see the results afterwards. This data can be used for evaluation with the broadcasting channel.

Let's get in contact


"My team and I are happy to answer them in a short call."

Floris | Founder of Masslytics
